Figures : Geometry : Fifth Grade Math Worksheets

Below, you will find a wide range of our printable worksheets in chapter Figures of section Geometry. These worksheets are appropriate for Fifth Grade Math. We have crafted many worksheets covering various aspects of this topic, points, lines and angles, measure and draw angles, intersecting lines, polygons and circles, sum of angles in figures, conguent and similar figures, and many more. We hope you find them very useful and interesting.

A brief description of the worksheets is on each of the worksheet widgets. Click on the images to view, download, or print them. All worksheets are free for individual and non-commercial use.

Please visit Geometry to browse more worksheets in the same area. View the full list of topics for this grade and subject categorized by common core standards or in a traditional way.

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Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Points, Lines, and Angles - I

Work your way towards identifying type of angle (i.e acute, obtuse, or right angle) and types of lines and segments (like parallel and perpendicular lines).

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Points, Lines and Angles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Points, Lines, and Angles - II

Practice and learn the properties of types of angles and lines. Associate these geometrical objects with some real life objects.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Points, Lines and Angles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Measure and Draw Angles - I

Practice with a protractor and draw angles using a pencil and scale. Associate the types of the angles with the hands of a clock.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Measure and Draw Angles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Measure and Draw Angles - II

Clocks can help you learn a lot about types of angles and their measurements. Practice drawing and measuring with the help of a protractor.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Measure and Draw Angles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Intersecting Lines - I

More practice problems to help you master skills about types of lines. Draw perpendicular lines to a given line using tools. Check some facts that you may already know.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Intersecting Lines

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Intersecting Lines - II

Draw parallel and perpendicular lines using geometric tools. Find some examples of types of lines in your surrounding environment.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Intersecting Lines

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Polygons - I

Practice with polygons, the types and the names. Problems will help you strengthen your knowledge of plane shapes and their properties.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Polygons and Circles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Polygons - II

Explore the properties of polygons in this worksheet. i.e number of the sides and measurement of angles in a regular hexagon or pentagon.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Polygons and Circles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Circles - I

Problems in this worksheets are related to circles, chords, diameter and radius of a circle. Draw circles with a given diameter or radius.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Polygons and Circles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Circles - II

Practice with tools to draw circles. Relate radii to the diameter. Practice problems are about the properties of the circles too.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Polygons and Circles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Sum of the Angles - I

Find the sum of internal angles in various type of polygons. Given a set of internal angles, find our the name of the polygon.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Sum of Angles in Figures

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Sum of the Angles - II

Find a missing angle in a triangle and determine its type. Identify whether a statement about the shapes and their properties based on internal angles is true or false.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Sum of Angles in Figures

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Congruent and Similar Figures - I

List the similarities and differences between congruent and similar figures. Given a pair of figures, tell whether they are similar, congruent, both, or none.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Conguent and Similar figures

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Congruent and Similar Figures - II

Draw a figure that is congruent to another given figure. Based on the stated dimensions of figures, identify whether they are congruent.

Category:  Geometry     Figures     Conguent and Similar figures

Again, please feel free to visit Geometry to browse similar worksheets that may interest you.