Developing the Topic : Writing : Fifth Grade English Language Arts Worksheets

Here is a collection of our printable worksheets for topic Developing the Topic of chapter Writing Informative/Explanatory Texts in section Writing.

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Writing Informative/Explanatory Texts      Developing the Topic

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Open House

Write three things about your preschool center that will convince the families of young children so that they enroll their children at your school.

Category:  Writing     Writing Informative/Explanatory Texts     Developing the Topic

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Power Of Education

Why do you think education is important? Brainstorm and write a few reasons to support your opinion.

Category:  Writing     Writing Informative/Explanatory Texts     Developing the Topic

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Community Helpers

If you had to choose an occupation as a community helper, what would it be? Practice writing a few reasons to support your choice.

Category:  Writing     Writing Informative/Explanatory Texts     Developing the Topic

Again, we encourage you to see more printable worksheets in Writing Informative/Explanatory Texts or Writing.