Reading: Foundational Skills : Fifth Grade English Language Arts Worksheets

This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Reading: Foundational Skills of Fifth Grade English Language Arts. As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for phonics and word recognition, reading fluency, and more.

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Phonics and Word Recognition

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Add -ance or -ence to complete each word. Refer a dictionary to find the stressed syllable in each word. Find and underline the stressed syllable in each word.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Greek and Latin Roots as Clues

Read what each root means, then choose the correct meaning of the words.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Closed Syllables

A syllable that ends in a consonant is called a closed syllable. Practice identifying closed syllables.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Open Syllables

An open syllable ends with a long vowel sound. Practice identifying open syllables.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Identifying Roots and Meanings

Identify and underline the common root that each set of words has. Match each root to its meaning.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Long Vowel Words

Identify the words with a long vowel sound and place them in the appropriate columns.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

VCCV Pattern

Sort the VCCV words by the number of syllables and write them in the appropriate columns.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Phonics and Word Recognition     Unfamiliar Multisyllabic Words

Reading Fluency

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Did you know that the beluga is one of the smallest species of whale?

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Read Grade-level Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Early History of Airplanes

Read about the early history of the airplanes and answer the related questions.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Read Grade-level Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Marie Curie

Did you know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Read Grade-level Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Egyptian Mummies

Read the text about the Egyptian Mummies and answer the related questions.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Read Grade-level Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I), was a French emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Read Grade-level Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

The Child at Play

Read the story about the child playing on the sea-shore, then answer the related questions.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Read Grade-level Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

The Moth

Read the poem "The Moth" and learn about the moth who is enjoying its newly acquired beauty and skills. Answer a few questions.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Reading Poetry

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

A Good Play

Read the poem "A Good Play" by Robert Louis Stevenson about two friend's imaginary play. Test yourself whether you understand the nuance of reading poetry.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Reading Poetry

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Goalkeepers and Goalkeeping

Read the short passage about goalkeepers and the art of goalkeeping. Then use context clues from the text to answer the questions.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Using Context For Word Recognition

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Read the article about asthma which is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Then, use context clues to find the meaning of a few words.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Using Context For Word Recognition

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Capybara is the largest of all living rodents. Read the informative passage about it and then use context clues to identify the correct meaning of underlined words.

Category:  Reading: Foundational Skills     Reading Fluency     Using Context For Word Recognition