Time Units and Conversions : Time and Temperature : Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

Here is a collection of our printable worksheets for topic Time Units and Conversions of chapter Finding Time and Temperature in section Time and Temperature.

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Finding Time and Temperature      Time Units and Conversions

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Time Units and Conversions - I

Convert time from one unit to another. i.e from hours to minutes or from minutes to seconds. This is useful when you need to find what time will it be 70 minutes from now.

Category:  Time and Temperature     Finding Time and Temperature     Time Units and Conversions

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Time Units and Conversions - II

Complete a time unit conversion table to be fluent in time units. If you know when Mr. Armstrong left the spacecraft and stayed outside for 2.5 hours, when did he return?

Category:  Time and Temperature     Finding Time and Temperature     Time Units and Conversions

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Time Units and Conversions - III

Sometimes your draw your daily activity time table. You also record times while conducting a science experiment. Solve similar word problems using your knowledge of time units.

Category:  Time and Temperature     Finding Time and Temperature     Time Units and Conversions

Again, we encourage you to see more printable worksheets in Finding Time and Temperature or Time and Temperature.