Prime Factors : Multiplication and Division : Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

Here is a collection of our printable worksheets for topic Prime Factors of chapter Factors and Patterns in section Multiplication and Division.

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Factors and Patterns      Prime Factors

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime Factors - I

Learn to use factor trees to find the prime factors of a number. Examine whole numbers to figure out whether they can be prime factors of other numbers.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime Factors

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime Factors - II

More practice problems where you will use a factor tree to find the prime factor of a whole number. Use your skills to solve word problems as well.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime Factors

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime Factors - III

After find the prime factors of a few numbers, you will practice with the word problems. Also, if the prime factors are given, can you identify the number from a set?

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime Factors

Again, we encourage you to see more printable worksheets in Factors and Patterns or Multiplication and Division.