Sequence of Sentences in a Paragraphs : Reading: Informational Text : Third Grade English Language Arts Worksheets

Here is a collection of our printable worksheets for topic Sequence of Sentences in a Paragraphs of chapter Integration of Knowledge and Ideas in section Reading: Informational Text.

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Integration of Knowledge and Ideas      Sequence of Sentences in a Paragraphs

Worksheet: Third Grade

Order Events

Imagine that you just got a puppy. Write a couple of paragraphs describing the events on the first day when you brought the puppy home.

Category:  Reading: Informational Text     Integration of Knowledge and Ideas     Sequence of Sentences in a Paragraphs

Write two paragraphs about the topic sentence below. At each circle, write a connecting sentence that provides a reason or an explanation to support the first sentence.

Category:  Reading: Informational Text     Integration of Knowledge and Ideas     Sequence of Sentences in a Paragraphs

Worksheet: Third Grade

Connect Cause and Effect

Write two sentences for each pair of words. Use the first word to write about something that happened. Write another sentence stating why it happened or what happened afterwards. Connect them using a connecting word.

Category:  Reading: Informational Text     Integration of Knowledge and Ideas     Sequence of Sentences in a Paragraphs

Again, we encourage you to see more printable worksheets in Integration of Knowledge and Ideas or Reading: Informational Text.